business (2) drawings (1) economics (2) essay (10) fable (1) finance (1) philosophy (6) poetry (18) reading (1) research (1) short story (2) social philosophy (1) technical (1) test (1)

 business (2)

Open Source Large Language Models and Meta
Weighing Innovation and Value in Feature Development

 drawings (1)

Channeling my Inner da Vinci, Miscellaneous Hand Drawings

 economics (2)

Reflections on Progress and Poverty - Part I
Sierra Leone and Her Manufactures

 essay (10)

Open Source Large Language Models and Meta
Weighing Innovation and Value in Feature Development
Reflections on Progress and Poverty - Part I
An Inquiry as to whether Utilitarianism can be Divorced from the Spatiotemporal
An Alternative Interpretation of Psychological Oppression and its Consequences
Rawls and his Two Principles of Justice
Robert Nozick on the Redistributive State
Musings on Marxism
Musings on Dignity
Sierra Leone and Her Manufactures

 fable (1)

The Tortoise and the Eagle

 finance (1)

Saving for Retirement

 philosophy (6)

An Inquiry as to whether Utilitarianism can be Divorced from the Spatiotemporal
An Alternative Interpretation of Psychological Oppression and its Consequences
Rawls and his Two Principles of Justice
Robert Nozick on the Redistributive State
Musings on Marxism
Musings on Dignity

 poetry (18)

Craters become Lakes
Silence, The Usurper
Joie de Vivre
A Lament
Children of Prometheus
Suitors of the Sun
Willful Arrogance
A Lit Soul
Endurance of Spirit
Lord's Prayer on a Bowsprit
Come Home
Haiku at 3am
Perhaps I should have been a Painter
May Things Go The Ideal Way
Cresting Sisyphus’ Mountain
Talk with One's Other, a poem

 reading (1)

Thoughts on "The Enlightenment Now"

 research (1)

Coordination of Many Agents in a Power System

 short story (2)

An Ashen Inheritance
The Tortoise and the Eagle

 social philosophy (1)

Thoughts on "The Enlightenment Now"

 technical (1)

Coordination of Many Agents in a Power System

 test (1)

Hello World!