Rawls and his Two Principles of Justice

Author’s note: I’d written this piece for a class on Justice at MIT in response to a prompt—however, as per the professor’s request, I will not be sharing the prompt; that said, the article remains readable even without prior knowledge of the prompt I’m responding to. (Note that because this... [read more]

Robert Nozick on the Redistributive State

Author’s note: I’d written this piece for a class on Justice at MIT in response to a prompt—however, as per the professor’s request, I will not be sharing the prompt; that said, the article remains readable even without prior knowledge of the prompt I’m responding to. (Note that because this... [read more]

Coordination of Many Agents in a Power System

Author’s note: This was the start of my serious research at MIT, and the technical start for some of my later work with power systems. I’d written this during the summer of 2018. (I was watching the 2018 FIFA world cup pretty religiously so it’s amazing I got any work... [read more]

Musings on Marxism

Author’s note: This article is the second installment of my “Musings on x” series with regards to political economy and its attendant philosophy. (COVID-19’s made me something of an arm-chair philosopher.) This serves as a first pass on the topic of Marxism, and an honest attempt to educate myself on... [read more]

Musings on Dignity

Author’s note: This article is inspired by one of the themes explored in Martin Luther King, Jr’s “Remaining Awake through a Great Revolution” speech. As a result, riddled throughout this article are some of my favorite quotes from said speech. I’d started this piece on MLK day but never found... [read more]

Channeling my Inner da Vinci, Miscellaneous Hand Drawings

A recurring theme of mine is that shortly after reading a book, particularly a biography, I’ll pick up a few things from the story’s protagonist and try to implement them in my own life. The drawings you’ll see are one such case. After reading (and not finishing) Walter Isaacson’s biography... [read more]