Suitors of the Sun

Author’s note: This poem was inspired by a quote attributed to Napoleon from a book I’d recently finished titled “Mind of Napoleon” compiled by J. Christopher Herold. “Everybody has loved me and hated me; everybody has taken me up, dropped me, and taken me up again. … Only this was... [read more]

A Lit Soul

Author’s note: This poem was inspired by a quote I came across online that I now know came from Werner Herzog’s memoir. I know nothing of the man, but the following quote had me thinking: “I’d rather die than go to an analyst, because it’s my view that something fundamentally... [read more]

An Ashen Inheritance

Among a row of houses sat a solitary great house atop a high hill. This great house was an old house, by and large considered one of the “better” houses. Nevertheless, like all material things, it was not without its blemishes: in some of its support beams were termites; in... [read more]

The Tortoise and the Eagle

Author’s note: Inspiration taken from Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and The Eagle”. Variations of it can be found here [read more]